Green Tea Roses


A green rose means wishing somebody richness, abundance and bounty. When you want to surprise a special person a green rose will express a spirit beauty that they will cherish deep in their hearts.


SKU RS-GT-GR Categories ,

Product Description
Head size Petals (Amount) Vase life Color
 5.5-6 cms 30-40 15-18 days Light green

Our Green Tea rose has a unique pale green color, really beautiful light color that would look stunning with a mix of blush and pale pink flowers. A green rose means wishing somebody richness, abundance and bounty. When you want to surprise a special person a green rose will express a spirit beauty that they will cherish deep in their hearts.

Additional Information
Quantity :

12 Roses, 25 Roses, 50 Roses, 75 Roses, 100 Roses, 125 Roses, 150 Roses, 200 Roses, Selected

Size :

20” (50 cm.) Medium Stems, 24” (60 cm.) Long Stems, 28” (70 cm.) Extra Long Stems, Selected


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