Blush Roses


Blush is a bicolor rose, displaying cream petals with hot pink to orange edges, it has a medium size head that opens into a timid shape bloom. Excellent for expressing happiness an enthusiasm!


SKU RS-BL-BC Categories ,

Product Description
Head size Petals (Amount) Vase life Color
 6.5-7 cms 30-35 18-25 days Cream/Hot Pink or Orange

Blush is a bicolor rose, displaying cream petals with hot pink to orange edges, it has a medium size head that opens into a timid shape bloom. Excellent for expressing happiness an enthusiasm!

Additional Information
Quantity :

12 Roses, 25 Roses, 50 Roses, 75 Roses, 100 Roses, 125 Roses, Selected

Size :

28” (70 cm.) Extra Long Stems, 32” (80 cm.) Super Long Stems, 36” (90 cm.) XXL Long Stems, Selected


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